From Plain Dress to Fashion Success!
So a few months back I was in search of two things. A project and a way
to update my wardrobe. I found both on my friend Jamielyn’s blog:
I stumbled upon a fantastic tutorial on her site for what she calls
Fire Flowers! These beauties are simple to make and so very versatile!
I have also been admiring the fashions at the store Down East Basics
but sadly they do not carry my size. So Jamielyn’s blog gave me a
way to satisfy both needs at once! (lil’ Fun and Fashion.)
Take a look at what I was able to do with two basic and very
inexpensive dresses and some scrap material!
Before :
I picked up the dresses for $15.00 each.
They were quite boring as they were!
I then added the flowers and a few accessories!
I shopped Ross and TJ Max for the cardigans
For about 10.00 each!
I got two Down East Basic Nock-offs for as little as $75.00
(including accessories!)
When looking for a specific piece for an outfit don’t close
your mind to alteration possibilities. I found this very ugly top
and nearly passed it up… for good reason…
Yuck! Right?
Then I realized that all I had to do is cut or seam rip
the ugly insert out of the sweater and I would have the cardigan I was seeking!
Had I passed it up, I would have spent $20.00 more for a
very similar cardigan unnecessarily!
So, How did I do? Make a comment or two!
(CP ladies please comment below not on FB Thanks!)

Yay i'm so excited to do this at school! -amber