I am a planner and a goal setter. I seem to live more in the future than I do in the present which is something I need to work on. Although this trait helps me stay motivated and ambitious it also leads me to worry about things I do not have control over. Just to give an example of how extreme I can be, and always have been, I planned and designed my prom dress when I was in the 5th grade! I drew a detailed sketch including a diagram listing the type of material, color, and embellishments. I proceeded to place this plan in a sealed envelope and marked it "prom dress, do not open until High School!" Which leads me to the romantic idea in my head that life is supposed to follow some preexisting blue print. When my life does not follow what I think the blueprint should be it disturbs me greatly. Thus the name "unique"My life, I feel, is unique or has unique qualities because in my mind it does not follow what I feel to be the norm. Whether you agree or disagree with my theory, I have a back up reason. The word "unique" has also been used in my grandmothers dog coat business years ago. So therefore it can be justified as simply tradition! And let's face it... it's just too clever and cute not to use it!
On a side note, I am currently a 4th grade teacher, wife to an amazing husband of 15 years, and a mother to the most precious 2 and a half year old boy. They are my life in a nut shell, everything I do usually has some benefit for them in mind.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading and viewing my site. Most of all, I hope it is found useful or inspirational.