Carrots are not Diamonds!
So why, might I ask, are they sooooo
stinking expensive to buy in the can?
My son absolutely loves cooked carrots, and
I love the convenience. But, they are expensive
and they rarely go on sale. They are almost always
excluded from the grocery store canned veggie sales.
So when I got a bag of carrots in my Bountiful Basket
the thought hit me; I wonder how much it would be to
can my own carrots and would it be worth it?
You need a pressure cooker to can carrots. For this project I
used my Mother in laws……. Spoil Alert!!! ( I am now
shopping for my own pressure cooker)
After peeling, slicing and rinsing carrots we placed them
in freshly cleaned jars. Next, we added hot water to
carrots and 1/4 tsp. of salt to each jar. After
placing the new lids and tightening the rings, we
placed the jars in the pressure cooker.
*please follow pressure cooker instruction if trying this at home
They only took about 25 minutes to cook!
Okay drum roll please……
The best part, we figured at best you can get
already canned carrots for 50 cents a can.
our cost for our cans, if you buy your carrots at
Costco or Sam’s …. 20 Cents a jar which equals huge
savings! I will be canning carrots from now on!
ONE TIP! Carrots do stain your hands and it takes
a few days to wash completely off. So if you plan on
canning more than 4 jars worth, wear gloves while chopping
.. unless of course you do not mind the jaundice palm look!
-Thanks Jane for your help on this one!