In speaking with a new acquaintance and local photographer,
I found that something old and familiar is starting to sir within me.
I used to spend hours drawing and painting. I have not done such
artistic work since I was in high school. Why? well for a few reasons.
I found that many things I do such as cooking, home décor, crafts, sewing
and other housewife/mommy type activities stimulate similar feelings in
me as drawing and painting does. More so, I find that it is very
difficult to find the space and time to sit down and do such involved
projects. This particular painting is my “one minute of fame”
it hung in many places throughout Arizona including the
airport. It is a combination of watercolor and Prisma color-pencil.
It was also the only painting I ever sold. I have often
regretted doing so. This picture simply does not give it justice.
The colors are much more vivid and her eyes were far less forgettable.
It was purchased by a local sculpture artist in downtown Phoenix.
I was extremely flattered by his interest and $250.00
seemed like thousands at the time. I did not keep his information
and I have often wondered if he still has it and if it is on display.
I have dreamt of finding it and buying it back.
With the raw grief I find myself facing currently, I feel a gentle push to
explore what used to be an escape from reality. My life
right now feels grey and lacks the color of hope, confidence,
and direction that I am accustomed. Maybe, just maybe
this dormant talent still resides within me. Maybe by
attempting to “awaken it” I will find the peace and
understanding I so hope is in store for me and my future.
Time will tell.

This was an incredible painting, and it would be cool if you could track down the person that bought it and find it again.