An Attempt to Escape for the Evening
to a Happier Time...

My family has recently experienced a tragedy and we are
finding it hard to find reasons to smile each day.
While browsing Pinterest, I found an easy recipe for Kalua Pork,
or Hawaiian pork BBQ. I felt inspired to bring a bit of our
Hawaiian vacations of the past, to our winter home, in order to
help warm up our thoughts and bring some excitement
to our 3 year old son.
Kalua pork.
I did not use the recommended pork shoulder for the Kalua pork.
I tend to buy as lean of meat as possible for health, and
all I had around in the freezer was pork loin roast.
I was only feeding 3, so a small roast worked for us.
However, it came out very dry due to the lack of marbling in the
meat. Next time, I will splurge and buy the pork shoulder since it is
not a meal we would make often!

To make the pork: rub 1 tbs. sea salt (I used coarse kosher instead)
on a 3lb. pork shoulder. Then add 1 tbs. of Liquid mesquite smoke
and rub that evenly over the meat.(I also added about 1/2 cup
water to the bottom since my meat had very little fat)
place in crockpot for 16 hours.
(mine took about 10hrs due to the size)
“Fried Salad”
To go with the pork I made a cabbage side dish that
our family likes to call “Fried Salad.”
It is simple and goes very well with pork!
Start with a head of cabbage and shred it finely.

I also add thinly sliced carrots.
(sometimes I add onions and mushrooms too, but not in this case)
In a fry pan heat up a 1-2 tablespoon of oil (olive or canola).
Add your cabbage and carrots.

Then sprinkle approximately 3/4 tbs. coarse salt
and 3/4 - 1 tbs. Sugar. (Yes sugar, it is a necessary step. I have
tried it w/out the sugar and it does not work well. The sugar
and salt brings out the moisture and the sugar cuts the
bitterness of the cabbage.)

I also grind fresh pepper on top, mostly for looks.
Mix/stir gently and then cover with a lid.
The steam will soften the cabbage, continue to stir/turn over
occasionally as it cooks.
You know it is done when you see that the cabbage is starting to
caramelize on the edges and the cabbage is slightly translucent.
Fruity Drink

What is a Hawaiian meal with out a fruity drink?
I simply took a package of Crystal Light Strawberry,
Orange, Banana mixed according to directions and then
added a little fizz with a can of Ginger Ale!
Delightful Island Dessert!
One thing that is bound to come up when we reminisce about
our Hawaiian vacations is the amazing fruit we
experienced day in and day out. Unfortunately for this
particular dinner fresh summer fruits were not
an option at this time of year so. I did the next best

1 small can tropical fruit w/ juices
1 small can mandarin oranges w/ juices
*(I try to buy fruit in their own juices as opposed to syrup
as they contain much less sugar)
1 small box vanilla pudding (I used sugar free)
1 container Cool-whip
In a large bowl dump both cans of fruit with their
juices and mix in dry pudding mix until well blended.
Let it set for 3-5 minutes until slightly thicker,
Finally, fold Cool-whip in until well mixed.
Place in fridge for 30 minutes or until
ready to serve.

*I would have liked to have added toasted cocoanut
flakes to the top for an even more authentic flavor!
or serve it with cocoanut macaroons!
Setting the Mood…

On one of our visit's we saw a theatrical play about the
history of the Hawaiian people, where I purchased
one of these CD’s. However, I found the other CD at the
Dollar store of all places. I used it in my classroom and many
others I bought at the Dollar Store to inspire great writing
out of my students.

Mood setting, such as setting a themed table-scape
and music are a great way to make an evening special and
memorable. It really is worth the time and effort. I gathered
the few collectables I had around the house that is not
still in storage to set the table. Two sarongs, two hand-made
banana-leaf baskets and a wooden carved fish. As you
can see, this did the trick!

As much as we would like to escape to the islands
it is not possible right now, but it was sure
nice to have dinner there, even if only in our
Tips to consider:
*This would be a great party idea that would be easy to do for a
large crowd, like a pool party/luau.
* This is also a great idea for a romantic valentines meal
* If your honeymoon was in Hawaii, this would be a good
anniversary meal too!
*You could have this as a FHE dinner and then discuss
missionary work ( a lot has been done in the islands,)
BYU Hawaii and the visitors center, or temples around the world.
Either way, whether you have been or dream of going, it is never
a bad day to have a Hawaiian dinner! Aloha!

Linked to: Sundae Scoop six sisters stuff Be different Act Normal
six sisters stuff
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